Herb Gellis
  Works for Orchestra
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On Three
(Sequenza Progressivo No. 2)

(2022-4) approx. 12:50 minutes

2[1.2/picc].2.2.1 - 2.2.3[1.2.3 btbn].0 timp,perc(1),str
The bass trombone is entirely optional.
Percussion: s. cym., tamb., tri.

set of parts:$70 (strings
extra parts, each:
$2.00all others

On Three is an unabashedly (neo-) romantic divertimento, possibly unique in that it uses only three pitches throughout, D, A and Bb. Whether your cup of tea or not, you might be surprised at what can be done with "so little" - it is not an academic exercise! There are six distinct sections each in strictly increasing meter, the first in 4/4, then 5/8, 6/8, and up to 9/8. Each section has development, and employs the gamut of techniques, much contrast, mood, rhythm, instrumental interest - and plenty of melody - in spite of only 3 pitches. This is for the sheer enjoyment of the richness of music, its many textures and the emotional ride it can provide. It has been described as being cinematic in feel.

The sections and their approximate length are: Where each section starts playing in the recording:
1. 4/4 Allegro moderato (2:31) 0:00
2. 5/8 Grave - Allegro marcato (1:47) 2:33
3. 6/8 Lento - Allegretto (2:20) 4:22
4. 7/8 Allegretto (1:45) 6:44
5. 8/8 Tango - Poco Maestoso (2:30) 8:30
6. 9/8 Allegro (1:52) 11:00


Short Symphony, on Eastern modes

(2005, ed. 2006) approx. 17:30 minutes

2+1.2*.2.2 - timp,perc(2),str
The English horn part is cued for oboe/bassoon.
Percussion: bd, sd, s. cym., claves, tamb., tri.

set of parts:$79 (strings
extra parts, each:
$3.00either violin
$2.50other string or percussion
$2.00timpani or a flute
$1.50all others

A short symphony in a typical four movement format, however all movements are attacca. Off a base of C harmonic-minor, Eastern modes and scales are utilized throughout, notably the Arabic Nawa athar maqam family. The last movement's motivic material comes from fragments of the (Israeli national anthem) Hatikvah's melody, particularly the opening rising phrase, and more modes are used than in preceding movements. Detailed program notes are included in the score and may be freely used.
1. Allegro Moderato (4:00)
2. Grave (4:30)
3. Scherzo (2:30)
4. Finale (6:30)

Premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra in 2005, George Yefchak conducting. Also played by the St. Edwards University Orchestra (Austin TX), Robert Radmer conducting, the South Bay Philharmonic, George Yefchak conducting, and the Jewish Community Orchestra of Portland, Donald Appert conducting (1/31/16).


Corduroy, Concertino for Baritone Saxophone and Orchestra

(2002-2003) approx. 10:30 minutes

2+ - timp,perc(2),str

set of parts:$65 (strings
separate solo part:$4
each extra
orchestral part:

A three-movement mini-concerto in the typical fast-slow-fast format:
Medium Wale Light and playful, in an "Irish" 12/8;
Fine Wale Wistful, Sunny, and Grand; attacca...
Wide Wale Jazzy, "Casbah" bacchanalia, with increasing impetuousness.

Premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra, May 2003, Paul Taira baritone saxophone, George Yefchak conducting.



(2000, rev.2003) approx. 10:15 minutes

1+1.2.2+1.2 - timp,perc(3),str

An essay in most everything related to its name. Based on a "secret" melody source, a basically sonata-allegro form with rhythmically diverse variational sections, with double introduction and coda bookends.

Premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra, October 2000, George Yefchak conducting.


Allegro Sauvage, for timpani and orchestra

(1998, 2007) approx. 6:40 minutes

2+ - timp,perc(4),str

set of parts:$65 (strings
each extra
orchestral part:
$2 each string except bass;
$2.50 timpani;
$1 horn 3 or 4, trombone 1 or 2, or tuba;
$4 percussion score;
$1.50 all others.

A somewhat dark, driven, rhythmic work mostly in 7/4. It is a fantasy pitting the "evil Sauvage" persona against the protagonist. This work has been re-orchestrated and re-written in 2007, expanded in length and instrumentation, and introduces a new motif (the "warning"), and new "scena", including an early face-off — the "wicked tuba tango".

Original version premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra, Russell Iimura on timpani, George Yefchak conducting; Also, played by the West Coast Symphony, Vancouver Canada, Phillip Crewe timpanist, Clyde Mitchell conducting, with a cadenza written by the timpanist. New (2007) version premiered by the HP Symphony, the composer as timpanist, George Yefchak conducting.


Praetorius Suite

(1995, 2008) approx. 10 minutes

2+1.2.2+1.2 - timp,perc(2),str

set of parts:$70 (strings
each extra
orchestral part:
$2.50 each string;
$2.00 percussion and all winds, except piccolo;
$1.50 all others.

An orchestral arrangement in five movements of several of Michael Praetorius' Dances from Terpsichore, 1612. Re-orchestrated in 2008.
1. Courante (2:00)
2. Bourree (1:45)
3. Ballet (2:15)
4. Philou (2:30)
5. Volte (1:00)

Premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra, Nov. 2008, George Yefchak conducting. Also performed by TACO (Silicon Valley).

String Orchestra


(2002, ed. 2005) approx. 7 minutes

A yearning work entirely "in C"; an update of the original.

Premiered by the HP Symphony Orchestra, April 2002, George Yefchak conducting.

score: $6      parts: $25 (strings, or specify any other combination of 20)      each extra part: $1.25